Creamy Mushroom Chicken Pasta

Rating: 4.00

Are you craving a sumptuous pasta dish that perfectly combines tender chicken and earthy mushrooms, all drenched in a creamy, flavor-packed sauce? Look no further! Dive into our delectable recipe that takes the elegance of spaghetti (or your choice of pasta) to the next level with a luscious chicken and mushroom blend. And the pièce de résistance? A generous sprinkle of Parmesan cheese to seal the deal. If you’ve been searching for the ultimate pasta with chicken and mushrooms, you’ve just struck gold. Continue reading to unveil the magic behind this dish!

This Creamy Chicken Mushroom Pasta literally united the culinary tastes of my family… Well, maybe except for my sister, who doesn’t eat meat 😉 But aside from her, EVERYONE was absolutely delighted with this dish and there were no leftovers after dinner. I think this dish will find many fans among you as well. Give it a try… I believe you can’t help but fall in love with it!

But first, watch this video with the recipe for Creamy Chicken Mushroom Pasta and see how easy it is to make this dish:

creamy mushroom chicken pasta – video



Pasta: Choose your favorite pasta; I opted for spaghetti, but any variety works.

Chicken Breast: You can also use chicken tenders as an alternative.

Mushrooms: You can use white or brown mushrooms, also known as cremini mushrooms.

Heavy Cream: In various countries, heavy cream goes by different names; in the USA, it’s called heavy cream, in Canada, it’s heavy cream as well, in the UK, it’s double cream, and in Australia, it’s thickened cream. It should have a fat content between 30-40%.

White Wine: Pick your favorite; I recommend dry or semi-dry. If you prefer not to use wine, you can skip this ingredient.

Garlic Powder: Used to season the chicken before cooking.

Dried Herbs: You can choose any herbs you like; I went with oregano and Italian herbs.

Salt and Pepper: To taste.

Soy Sauce: Enhances the flavor of the creamy sauce.

Olive Oil and Butter: For cooking the chicken and mushrooms. Mixing butter with olive oil adds a rich flavor and prevents the butter from burning due to its higher smoke point.

Parsley: Optional, for garnish.

Parmesan Cheese: Used both in the sauce and for sprinkling on top. You can also use other favorite aged hard cheeses like Grana Padano.

Creamy Chicken Mushroom Pasta
Creamy Chicken Mushroom Pasta



Cook the pasta in salted water. I recommend cooking the pasta al dente. At the end of the pasta cooking, reserve about half a cup of water, which you’ll use later for the sauce. Slice the chicken breasts horizontally in half to create thin cutlets . Season the cutlets well with salt and pepper on both sides, then season with garlic powder and sprinkle with dried herbs.



In a pan, melt some butter and add a bit of olive oil or vegetable oil. Once the butter has melted, place the chicken cutlets in the pan and fry over medium heat on both sides. Cook them for 4-7 minutes on each side, depending on their thickness, until they are golden brown and fully cooked through. You can check if they’re done by cutting one of the cutlets in half – the meat inside should be white and juicy, with no pink color. When the meat is cooked through, remove it from the pan and set it aside.



Add some butter to the pan or pour in some olive oil or oil and add sliced mushrooms. Sauté the mushrooms for about 5-6 minutes (you can go a bit longer if you wish), and after that time, pour in white wine and sauté the mushrooms for another 3-4 minutes until the wine has noticeably evaporated. It doesn’t have to evaporate completely, but the vast majority of it should.



Then pour cream into the pan and add the pasta water you saved earlier. Also, add soy sauce and keep it on low to medium heat for about 7-10 minutes until the sauce noticeably thickens.



Now add the pasta you cooked earlier and the grated cheese. Mix well to combine everything thoroughly. Finally, add the chicken breast strips. It’s best to cut the chicken breast just before adding it to the pasta, not in advance. Stir everything once more and sprinkle with finely chopped parsley. Enjoy!

How to make Chicken Mushroom Pasta - step 5.
How to make Chicken Mushroom Pasta – step 5.

LEFTOVERS: Creamy Mushroom Chicken Pasta

Cool the dish to room temperature before refrigerating.

Store in a clean, airtight container.

Label with the preparation date.

Refrigerate within two hours of cooking and use within 2-3 days.

Reheat gently over low heat, adding cream or milk to maintain creaminess.

For Freezing:

Portion leftovers into single servings.

Use freezer-safe containers or bags.

Label with freezing date.

Thaw overnight in the fridge and reheat gently on the stove, adding cream or milk as needed.

Note: Freezing may alter the dish’s texture, but proper storage and reheating will keep it safe to eat. Dairy-based sauces like those made with cream can separate when frozen. Upon thawing, the once-smooth sauce can become grainy or curdled in texture due to the fats separating from the liquid components. Pasta, when frozen in a sauce, can absorb more moisture and become overly soft or mushy upon reheating. This can alter the intended texture of the dish and result in pasta that lacks its original al dente bite.

creamy chicken mushroom pasta
creamy chicken mushroom pasta

Do you feel like trying another quick and simple, yet equally delicious dish with mushrooms? You must check this out:

Creamy Spinach Mushroom Gnocchi. Dinner Delight! – Pasta Mama Cooks

creamy spinach mushroom gnocchi recipe video

Creamy Mushroom Chicken Pasta. Printable Recipe

creamy chicken mushroom pasta

Creamy Mushroom Chicken Pasta

4 from 1 vote
Look no further! Dive into our delectable recipe that takes the elegance of spaghetti (or your choice of pasta) to the next level with a luscious chicken and mushroom blend. And the pièce de résistance? A generous sprinkle of Parmesan cheese to seal the deal. If you've been searching for the ultimate pasta with chicken and mushrooms, you've just struck gold.
Servings 4


  • 2 chicken breasts 1 pound/ ~ 450 g
  • 10,5 oz/300 g pasta (I used spaghetti) dried
  • 1 cup/250 ml cream heavy /thickened
  • 1 cup / ~`100 g grated Parmesan you can replace it with Grana Padano, Pecorino Romano
  • 1 tbsp soy sauce
  • 2 tsp garlic powder
  • 2 tsp dry herbs You can use, for example, Italian Herbs or oregano.
  • 2 tbsp / 30 g unsalted butter
  • 2 tbsp olive oil You can use a little bit more.
  • 1/2 cup / 125 ml white wine dry or semi-dry white wine
  • parsley
  • salt and pepper to taste
  • 14 oz/400 g mushroom sliced


  • Cook the pasta in salted water. I recommend cooking the pasta al dente. At the end of the pasta cooking, reserve about half a cup of water, which you’ll use later for the sauce. Slice the chicken breasts horizontally in half to create thin cutlets . Season the cutlets well with salt and pepper on both sides, then season with garlic powder and sprinkle with dried herbs.
  • In a pan, melt some butter and add a bit of olive oil or vegetable oil. Once the butter has melted, place the chicken cutlets in the pan and fry over medium heat on both sides. Cook them for 4-7 minutes on each side, depending on their thickness, until they are golden brown and fully cooked through. You can check if they’re done by cutting one of the cutlets in half – the meat inside should be white and juicy, with no pink color. When the meat is cooked through, remove it from the pan and set it aside.
  • Add some butter to the pan or pour in some olive oil or oil and add sliced mushrooms. Sauté the mushrooms for about 5-6 minutes (you can go a bit longer if you wish), and after that time, pour in white wine and sauté the mushrooms for another 3-4 minutes until the wine has noticeably evaporated. It doesn’t have to evaporate completely, but the vast majority of it should.
  • Then pour cream into the pan and add the pasta water you saved earlier. Also, add soy sauce and keep it on low to medium heat for about 7-10 minutes until the sauce noticeably thickens.
  • Now add the pasta you cooked earlier and the grated cheese. Mix well to combine everything thoroughly. Finally, add the chicken breast strips. It’s best to cut the chicken breast just before adding it to the pasta, not in advance. Stir everything once more and sprinkle with finely chopped parsley. Enjoy!
creamy chicken mushroom pasta
creamy chicken mushroom pasta

Join the Conversation

  1. Courtney says:

    4 stars
    This was yummy! We have a milk sensitivity at our house so instead of heavy cream, I substituted 1 C coconut milk mixed with a T of flour. I also used rotisserie chicken at the end so I just added the garlic powder to the sauce. Very good! Thanks.

    1. Sounds delicious! Love the coconut milk idea ♥ Iza from Pasta Mama Cooks

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